Shielded transfers on Warp Andromeda

One of the specificity of Warp Andromeda is the introduction of shielded transfers. It allows shielded transactions of deposited tokens while staying within the pool. So far, to transfer the custody of deposited funds, tokens needed to be withdrawn first. With Warp Andromeda, you will be able to transfer a chosen amount of your shielded balance (not necessarily all of it) to another address without needing to withdraw them from the pool.

These shielded transfers can be made to any address of your choice, as long as this address is shielded (i.e. already registered to Warp Andromeda pool).

As a reminder, a shielded address is registered either through the Set up account action or alongside an initial deposit from a wallet address.

We advise you to double-check the shielded address to which you transfer tokens as this action is irreversible.

Last updated