Deposit & Withdraw


Choose a chain

Warp is available on several blockchains, so you will have to choose among 4 chains:

  1. BSC

  2. Etherium Mainnet

  3. Etherium Goerli

  4. Polygon Network

Select a token

Choose the token you want to deposit and its amount.

Be patient

The longer you wait, the greater your anonymity set will be.

Congrats ! You did it. Now your tokens are on the Warp pool.


Choose a chain

Warp is available on several blockchains, so you will have to choose among 4 chains:

  1. BSC

  2. Etherium Mainnet

  3. Etherium Goerli

  4. Polygon Network

Paste your note

Use your deposit note by pasting it in the corresponding box. Click on Withdraw and wait for the zk-Snark proof to be generated.

Last step is to confirm the withdrawal! Done!

Last updated